K-REV Suite 2.0
DEVELOPMENT is in your handsK-REV Suite 2.0
DEVELOPMENT is in your hands7 FOCUS to be explored
What it IS
Suite 2.0 is a digital tool aimed at supporting the conception and evaluation of opportunities, and the adoption of prompt interventions to improve and develop all organizational processesand monitoring the effects of the actions implemented, all within the cycle of continuous improvement, Plan, Do, Check, Act: the process of transforming objectives into results, the process of developing competence and capability, of moving towards targets. And while it does all this for us, it generates precious information regarding Engagement, People Satisfaction, and Human Capital Value: our 7 K-Focuses

What it DOES
It enhances human know-how in the organizational system and supports its continuous improvement. It allows, assists and facilitates the prompt generation of key information punctually extracted from the flow of continuous feedback, at every junction and level of complexity in the organizational system and shares it in real time. It safely stores the information and processes it producing analytics that feed into the monitoring dashboard., dashboards designed to render this information relevant and usable in real timeat every juncture and at every level of complexity of the organizational system, from the individual level to the level of Management Teams..

What it DOES
It enhances human know-how in the organizational system and supports its continuous improvement. It allows, assists and facilitates the prompt generation of key information punctually extracted from the flow of continuous feedback, at every junction and level of complexity in the organizational system and shares it in real time. It safely stores the information and processes it producing analytics that feed into the monitoring dashboard., dashboards designed to render this information relevant and usable in real timeat every juncture and at every level of complexity of the organizational system, from the individual level to the level of Management Teams..
HOW it does it

When… NOW!
A simple, linear, dependable process: 4 quick steps to become a proficient user of our Suite 2.0
You meet with one of our Project Managers to quickly identify which focus(es) you want to achieve: we hope you want all of them, as all are very important, but only you know what is needed NOW, and we are at your service. Our Project Manager clarifies with you your requirements, those that must be reflected on time by your Suite 2.0 version: essential work that is simple, clear, agile, and fast.
Library & Dashboard
Our Process Attendants, specialists in processes related to the focuses you have chosen, help you decide on or build a library for each focus. It's YOUR LIBRARY, configured to reflect, respect, and give you what you need: from the COMPETENCES model, to the SUSTAINABILITY model, or management of GOALS, OKRs, or CAPABILITIES. We can offer you basic standards, or quickly integrate your Libraries, or build with you the ones you need.Our Process Attendants also help you in configuring YOUR DASHBOARDS, the ones you need.
Our Process Attendants provide for the processing of YOUR LIBRARIES, YOUR DASHBOARDS, everything you need to optimize and speed up the adoption of Suite 2.0: the setup includes the generation of microlearning integrated with your actual organization, to meet your Onboarding and Induction needs, current and future. We are ready and able to meet your every need for process accompaniment, to ensure YOUR SUCCESS.
Our Process Attendants assist you h24 in the first weeks of using Suite 2.0, in any dasboard calibrations, in designing and implementing what you may need to achieve maximum impact, the best result with minimum effort. Experience cannot be invented, and we have it; process knowledge is not a certificate, and we possess it; success, success, are not magic, they are always the result of intense and intelligent work. At your service.
7 ADVANTAGES to be explored
To stimulate and generate the genuine engagement of PEOPLE, TEAMS, DEPARTMENTS and MANAGEMENT, leading to a sense of OWNERSHIP of their participation in the development process and the achievement of objectives. Always using digitalization and innovating the process of managing Continuous Feedback, indispensable for identifying and implementing development projects and managing the achievement of objectives.
To integrate into daily routines the culture and corporate strategies required to define and implement all the actions aimed at the growth and prosperity of the organization and every individual within it.
To keep people engaged, develop their potential, staying focussed on the growth of the organization and making decisions based on data
To achieve the strategic goals drawn by the management, without forgetting the need to create relationships of value and development of the potential of those who work.
To responda real need, which is to continuously improve organizational processes, starting with people and data collection and analysis.
To responda real need, which is to continuously improve organizational processes, starting with people and data collection and analysis.
Customer Partners
Prizes and Awards
Special mention from PoliMi Observatories
1st prize from PoliMi Observatories
Special mention from Talent Garden
1st prize from European House - Ambrosetti
Partnering to Develop
Partnership means growth, development. It is thanks to our Partners, to their trust, their feedback, their input and their vision of the future that we continue to improve and evolve, together.